Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Why Your Way of Thinking Matters

I read the best quote not too long ago:

I only expect the best to happen, and it does.

It's a good motto for my life, as I'm always talking about how thoughts turn into actions.  

I ran into 7-11 before a job interview a couple weeks back--probably the 800th job I've applied for.  The gentleman behind the counter, always so nice, is used to seeing my actor side: stained in blood after working at Goretorium all night.  Or dolled up in red lipstick and fake eyelashes before a modeling gig.  Or decked out  in bright blue eyeshadow and pink lipstick from my Awesome 80s Prom days.  This time, I was in a dress, looking oddly...normal.

He asked what I was up to, so I told him I had an interview.

"Wish me luck!" I said as I walked out.

He smiled warmly and replied, "You create your own luck."

At that very moment, the man behind the cash register at 7-11 became my new best friend.

It was a pleasant and much needed reminder for a young lady who has been very frustrated as of late with obtaining the exact kind of work she wants.

He brought a little peace to me that day, though.  The interview went well, but the job was a no-go.  Makes sense.  On the drive home, I had been telling a friend on the phone, "Well, it's not exactly what I want, but I'd do it for now."

The Universe heard that and went, "BAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!  No."

Better things are to come.  Thoughts become actions. ;-)