Sunday, July 21, 2013

5 Signs Your Boyfriend is Sticking His Penis in Another Girl, Part 2 of 534

Well, Part 1 was a huge success, so I'm back for Round 2.  Here are five more signs that your man is straying.

(1) He takes a suspiciously long time to respond to a text or phone call and then uses, "Oh sorry, I left my phone in the car," or "Oh sorry, my battery died," or "Oh sorry, I was having a bowel movement." One time? Fine. Is he making a habit out of it? If that's the case, then what he really means is, "Oh sorry, I was venturing through another girl's holy land."

(2) He has a chick who is "just a friend" that he, for some odd reason, tries to keep you away from. Why? He's probably concerned that the conversation would subtly progress from, "So, you're friends with my boyfriend," to, "Oh wow, he's had his wang in the both of us."

(3) Does he not want you to meet his family? Maybe he wants to take it slow. If that's the case, good for him. If you've been dating for a year and he still won't bring you home, it could be because he's got another slut on the side who's already got in good with the fam. He doesn't want to have to explain to sweet little Grandma Eleanor why he's bringing two different whores to dinner in one week, right?

old lady

(4) He refuses to acknowledge your relationship on Facebook. This one is tricky because lots of people like to pull, "Why do we need to broadcast it on Facebook for you to trust me?" That's a very good point, to an extent. He could also be avoiding it because of the n00die pics of his dong that he sent to a dozen other girls.

facebook relationship status

(5) You find stashes of condoms in places that you never have sex. Does he keep them in the nightstand for when you spend the night? Terrific. How about his car? Locker? Desk at the office? Grandma's house? Post office? If you're not doing the naughty there, well...somebody is.

Friday, July 19, 2013

5 Signs Your Boyfriend is Sticking His Penis in Another Girl: Part 1 of 534

We've all learned from past experiences the signs of cheating. Both men AND women can be unfaithful, but since I haven't gone lesbian (yet), I can only speak from what I've seen guys do and the stories I've heard from girlfriends. Here are five surefire signs that your man is double-dipping.

(1) He's Never Available on Date Night

There's always some bullshit excuse. He's with his guy friends. He's too tired. He's visiting his dying grandmother in the hospital. What he really means to say is that he met some hot waitress at Hooters and she gives great head.

(2) You Find Random Condom Wrappers on His Bedroom Floor

"Oh no, baby. That's from us." No it isn't. He didn't let a condom wrapper sit on the floor since you last had sex....a week ago. It's from the dirty whore he porked last night while you weren't there.

grab the rubbers
At least they're using protection.

(3) He's Constantly Reminding You That He's "Only Had Three or Four Partners" in His Life

BLASPHEME! If he's that secure with his number, he doesn't need to repeatedly throw it in your face. Read in between the lines. "I've only slept with a few people" means "I boned my high school's entire female student population and a little bit of the faculty too. Oh, and I might have syphilis."

(4) He's Oddly Protective of His Cell Phone

He doesn't need to show you everything he's doing on it, and snooping is an awful thing to make a habit of. Everyone deserves some privacy. But if he takes his cell into the bathroom with him, it's probably not because he wants to play Pac-Man while he's taking a shit.

sending nude pics
He's definitely sending her dick pics.

(5) He Hides Your Relationship From Other People

Whether you're dating or "officially together," if he's working overtime so that no one knows about it, odds are that it's because he's playing Hide the Sausage with four or five other girls.